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Monday, May 6, 2024
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Digital MEMS Inclinometer System
Digital MEMS Inclinometer System
Since 2003, RST's Inclinometer systems have had the shortest overall length available for a given base length compared to competitive inclinometers. Undaunted, we've forged ahead and improved on our very own industry-leading specifications. With a new minimum negotiable casing radius of 1.93 m, RST's Digital MEMS Inclinometer can still traverse a smaller radius bend than all other inclinometers available in the industry. RST's Digital MEMS Inclinometer Probe has an industry leading system accuracy of ± 2 mm per 25 m. The Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 (shown left) functions as the data collector. It provides a high-level user interface, "at-the-borehole" data analysis and graphical comparison to previous data sets. The Ultra-Rugged Field PC2 is rock solid and field ready for the most extreme environments. Wireless communication between the inclinometer control cable and the Ultra-Rugged Field PC ensures ease of use and reliability since there is no longer any concern with fragile connectors, cable related failure and reliability problems.